• darkblurbg

What is Lean manufacturing?

Doing more with less.

"Lean manufacturing involves never ending efforts to eliminate or reduce waste, or any activity that consumes resources without adding value, in design, manufacturing, distribution, and customer service processes". Developed by the Toyota executive Taiichi Ohno (1912-90).


Some examples of improvements I completed:

 Project Timeframe  Savings annually Remarks 
Introduction of Single Piece Flow 8 weeks  >U$ 700,000 Savings for 1 product line only
Introduction of FIFO systems 4 weeks > U$ 200,000  Savings shown was on 3 processes
SMED projects 2 weeks  > U$ 150,000  Several small SMED projects
3P re-layout of shop floor 4 months Doubled capacity  Same headcount, same footprint 
5S projects 1 week/each > U$ 100,000  Introduced companywide
Rolled out Hoshin Kanri concept 3 months  > U$ 200,000 growth Office and shop floor KPI's aligned